Men'spool Engineering

Men’spool Engineering Pte Ltd is one of the leading and most respectable companies in design, consultation, and construction of over 1,000 projects for swimming pools, water features, and sauna & spa. Our emphasis on uncompromising quality ensures success for each and every project.



For over 25 years, architects, designers, M&E consultants and developers have entrusted Men’spool with design and construction for swimming pools, water features, and sauna & spa. We assure our projects are on time, on budget, and ensure the desired end product.



Only quality products, material, and workmanship are implemented into our projects. This is ensured by liaising with our reputable and reliable suppliers. We build to last.



We bring a wealth of pool designs, engineering expertise, stringent testing, and careful planning to our projects. We incorporate equipment sizing, pipe sizing, light mapping, and detail combination with architecture with precise accuracy.



We constantly seek new technology, methodology, and products to enhance the system and increase the fun factor.


Industry Leader

Through our advancement over the years and having been in the market for so long, we are without a doubt one of the market leaders in the industry. Even authoritative firms have sought us for consultation in the past.

Services We Offer

  • Design and Consultation: We provide consultancy and design services with optional site inspections, construction supervision, and installation and testing attendances. We can also provide detailed specification, and design and construction drawings for the client’s appointed contractor
  • M&E system for swimming pools both residential and commercial (e.g., home, leisure, competition, resorts), and water play
  • M&E system for water features, musical fountains, water curtains, jumping jets, and laser screens
  • Turnkey projects to build a pool from scratch, including civil & architecture finishes

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